

Today's mood

- It's empty here, and it makes me feel neither good nor bad.

- I'm all alone, but at the same time it feels like I'm not. There are a lot of thoughts in my head, they always keep ne entertained.

- I can create a whole world with them. This place is safe, and nothing bad will happen here. Nothing good will happen either, though.

- You know, this place is so empty... Though, I don't feel particularly good or bad because of it.

- I'm all alone, but at the same time it feels like I'm not. There's a lot of thoughts in my head, they always keep me entertained.

- I can create a whole world with them. I'm sure it'll be able to fill the void around me if I try hard enough!

- No matter how much I think, my surroundings don't change. Yes, things happened in my head, but they never left its premises.

- And it's not like I tried to suppress them... Maybe they were afraid to come out?

- But there should be an end somewhere. You can't wander around forever. What do you think?

- I know it sounds scary, but it's not scarier than constantly existing among the void.


- This place is always neither warm, nor cold. It's neutral.

-But at the same time, if I think about warmth, I feel warm

- Maybe this world corresponds to my thoughts?

-I wouldn't want to admit that I'm completely empty.

- I'm not the reason everything had disappeared, right?

- Can't I just adapt and get used to having nothing around me since I can't do anything about it?


- I don't care that this place is empty, you hear?! I feel neither good, nor bad!"

- I'm all alone.

- I need to decide, and my thoughts will help me.- My head is full of thoughts, they eclipse the world around me.

- They'll lead me to the exit... And I'll be able to feel proud of myself

- This place is empty, but it makes me feel neither good, nor bad."

- I'm alone, but my head is full of thoughts. A whole world, one might say

-If I try hard enough, it'll be able to fill all the void around me!

- No matter how much I keep thinking, my surroundings don't change. Yes, something happened outside of my head, but..."

- I'll be able to save myself

- Even if there's nothing around me, I'm still here.